Saturday 24 October 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Hello there fellow denizens of the internet! For those of you who are still lurking on the old (and possibly) dying art of blogging (and perhaps beauty blogging in general), I welcome you warmly to my humble abode!

My aim of this blog is to give you simple, quick and unbiased (and I mean it!) reviews of various make-up items that I have personally purchased. As a matter of fact, this may be the longest post on this blog from this day forward.

A little bit about me: I have a University Degree that I don't use. Recently engaged. Love cats. I used to have a blog here on the blogger platform that I faithfully updated on nearly a daily basis for three years. I gave it all up due to a personal situation that arose two years ago.

Everything I do on this blog is a labour of love and straight out of my own pocket. I do not do any reviews on sponsored products.

Thanks and have a nice day!

Yours truly,

Raspberry Spiral

PS: What's up with the name?

I named my blog in honour of what our galaxy (the Milky Way) supposedly smells like: raspberries or rum (Click here for more information).

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